After all the hustle and bustle of The Artist Project in Toronto, I headed for the hills of Connecticut to spend time with Walt. He introduced me to the gentle, rolling forested landscape of that region and I fell in love with it. We walked through the quiet of the forest every day and fed our senses from head to toe which nourished our souls deeply. In particular, we walked the many trails of White's Woods, a 4,000 acre nature reserve that filled us both with a much needed peace of mind and heart.
Soft, tender moss greens.
sleeping nature slowly awakening in the warmth of the rising temperatures.

This particular forest felt so friendly and alive that we couldn't help stopping to touch all the textures along the way.

Can you see the little turtle sitting atop the grasses? This was such a quiet, reflective spot of beauty.
Root Love.

One of the most beautiful monuments I have ever come across. What a remarkable gesture of love to leave behind these beautiful forests for the generations to come. If only more humans were such generous visionaries.

White quartz scattered throughout the woods would glisten and sparkle when the sunlight caught it's jewel like surfaces.
When we came across this pond, we were overwhelmed by a cacophony of sounds which we soon realized were the strange quacking sounds of hundreds of unthawing wood frogs! Most magnificent to witness this phenomena, we hung around the pond for quite a while just listening. We became enchanted with the place and found it most difficult to leave.
Curvilinear lines.
I am so in love with the trees, they seem to grow more beautiful with every passing day. They carry so much mystery, love and beauty within their textures and shapes that I almost can't contain myself when I am near them.