Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baba Yaga Came to Visit

While sharing a meal of spice and flavor
with a group of hard working women
the Baba Yaga appeared at the table.
She appeared in calloused hands
and cracked finger nails.
She was there in muscle and
naked skin, just beneath the clothing.
She filled wine goblets and
bit tongues with spicy fire.
She sang out bawdy songs and
told riotously funny stories.

Women who work with their bodies
call forth the form of the holy one
with their sweat and strain
When Baba Yaga appears the women
raise their wine in a toast to the
beauty of her dark nature.
She raises her skirt and reveals
a gapping, dripping wet cave
that leads to an inner knowing.
She opens their legs and tells
them not to fear their own wisdom.

Intuitive patterns & rhythms
drum heartbeats into
feverish dance.
The women peel back layers
of dewy petals and open
to the silver moonlight
cascading down


jeff said...

Petit, when I was a child, l'histoire de Baba Yaga m'a toujours fasciné !... Story of Baba Yaga fascinate me ! It's that ?... I don't know ? ... aussi, vous pouvez pas parler français comme tout le monde ! lol
Ciao Holly !... Namasté ! 'Slama !..8:)

pam robinson said...

Maybe you can put your barn on some chicken legs!
I love the stories of Baba Yaga! I have always identified with the witch! I like that in your poem we are not afraid of her power.
My dad is a puppeteer and does a show where they act out with puppets Mussorgsky's "Picture's at an Exhibition" where Baba Yaga flying around in her morter is one of the scenes

Caio Fern said...

beautiful works , beaultiful blog.

Caio Fern said...

beautiful works , beaultiful blog.

Man Named Kim said...

i am glad i found you here - via a Twitter #FollowFriday


Anonymous said... is very pleasant to read. The article is very professionally written. I enjoyed reading keep it that way.

moe clark said...

Oh Miss Holly. This is perfect. I saw your message yesterday, but didn't have a moment to read this...and I just finished carrying an arm chair, on my head, three long blocks on the icey streets, straining my arms, head, and all the while thinking...there are women in Africa that do this daily, why am I sweating so much...and for whom do I sweat now. Thanks. Baba Yaga came to greet me.xomoe

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