Friday, September 11, 2009

Blue Prairie Sky

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T. S. Eliot

When I saw these photos that a friend recently took I realized that I had found my way home.
I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I started off as myself but lost course for a while, not in a bad way, in an exploratory way.
I was curious, I had to try things and see what worked and what didn't. Sometimes I fell,
sometimes I got stuck, sometimes I hurt myself or others but I usually managed to find
my way back to the path that wasn't all that obvious but at least I knew it was there if I
kept walking.

I have returned innocence to a prairie girl who grew up in the
Saskatchewan bush marveling at blue sky holes vibrating between
leaves of trembling aspens.
The sky wrapped around her like a blanket of emptiness
spilling her into an almost painful blue that verged on becoming purple.

She was taught about a sky god that rained blue beauty down
into her childhood world. A god that expressed anger in
thunder and wind and deep purple skies.
She learned to love thunder from her father
who taught her to smell storms and watch them pass
from the shelter of a doorway.

Now, in this moment, today,
my brush sweeps blue strokes
across the canvas and
there is no separation
Sky, brush, blue, god are no longer words
separated by commas but have
become one undivided moment of clarity.
I let go into this lucidity
and am no longer a painter
but when painting I
become the blue prairie sky.


Anonymous said...

I used to pencil-sketch but I lost the child within one-day.
May be will meet someday But Yes, your paintings reminds me about the lost child. Thankyou !
I say : When we paint We talk with ourself And we proceed towards ones own discovery.
Wishing to watch more paintings.
Cheers !!!

Vanyvalu said...

Beautiful photos Holly! The naked woman with the butterfly wings that you have in the right wall inmediately captured my attention, did you make it?
I really like how you live and explore art, as an organic and sensual experiencie, thanks for sharing!

Carol Anne Strange said...

A wonderful post, Holly, and full of meaning! This is beautifully written and you look so happy and vibrant in these images - so in touch with the moment! Have a blissfully joyful day. x

Detlef said...

Because the physical world inevitably changes we can only come home to ourselves, to the things we never left but only forgot they were right by our side all the time.

Thank you, Holly, for sharing your experiences in such a beautiful way!

M said...

Life is a series of returns to yourself after venturing forth to explore. I fully believe this as it has happened to me many times. You have captured these circular journeys beautifully in your artwork and words.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Beautiful Holly - you look happy, and yes right where you belong. Good to see.

DJ said...

Enjoyed visiting your blog. Found you through Patrice Lynn Young. Your art is inspiring; I'll be back!
Thanks for sharing your work here.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Holly, great pictures.

Patrice said...

I love your words here as much as your painting. It's great to see the artist at work, too.

The journey continues...

Lisa said...

What beautiful work you do, both with paintbrush and words!!!!

Jeannette StG said...

You become what you paint - yeah I feel like that sometimes!

jamenta said...

Savor the moments Holly. You are so fortunate right now.

Anonymous said...


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