Monday, October 26, 2009

Out on a Limb

It is rare that I work without a reference photo or sketch but this is one of those pieces that is coming from within. I started it in the early spring, took a different direction and put it back in the storage rack. Pulled it out today and put it on the easel. It was definitely not the painting that I thought I would work on today. Sat on the couch and looked at it and looked at it. Read from Anne Carson, Charles Olson and looked at Kahlil Gibran's paintings as well as photos of the Omo tribe. Thought about my recent trip to California, my Persephone ptg for the Collective Egg project, my last year of living alone, separated from my husband and daughters...and began to paint. This is the result so far. All I have just described is within this painting, all the sorrows and joys, all the beauty and ugliness. I have no words for these things, only images, movement and paint. I was able to translate the ideas of my mind into body movement which became the strokes of paint. This is not a painting about my skill as an artist but a painting that takes me out on a limb and pushes me to the edge of my limits. I am frightened and vulnerable out here but oh so alive!


Kari Lønning said...

Before reading any of your words I had a feeling of flying and of movement, discomfort as well as beauty. The words (and paint) suggest abstract thoughts and feelings without being too specific ... There's a lot of transition going on for people, myself included.

jbkrost said...

this is what I would call a breakthrough.......
it contains many of your trademark elements, but seems to stretch them in another direction.
good to see you back

flowers of my mind said...

" I am frightened and vulnerable out here but oh so alive!" Bravo on taking the steps and walking towards it... totally know where you are... it is pretty scary but feels so good to get it out there on the canvas.
Thank you for sharing, Holly, love your honest blogging, very inspiring!

Love and peace

Plains_Spirit said...

Absolutely love this piece. Calm, peaceful, yet alive ... I'm mesmerized. Thank you for sharing it... Jackie

Unknown said...

There are so many incredible images,in this piece. The transparency not only feels like the exposed vulnerability but also that deep inseparable connection to the earth and the moon. Gorgeous image of the child's face close to the pelvic life force but a part of the thigh (your children walk with you,always).Love,Love,Love this piece!!Bravo Holly

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