This is another progression of a series of images of "falling water". The first one is a small oil done about a year ago. The second is an acrylic where I just felt like splashing and dripping paint on the canvas out of sheer frustratation and the last one is a combination of watercolour and liquid acrylics done on paper.

This is one of my more recent pieces of "falling water" that I worked on for a long time. It's smaller, 36" x 24", than I usually work and I spent more time on it than usual as well. I started with drippy liquid acrylics and then began to apply layer after layer of oils, scraping back and destroying and recreating over and over again. I like the end results, the colours are stronger and the application of the oils is more expressive of the turbulent emotions I feel roaring inside. I love the slashes of light that offer so much hope amidst all the dark, tumultuous shadows.