Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancing with Blue

ocean blue shadows / curl like vines around trees / refreshing respite

haiku by alotus poetry


M said...

This is a great match between word and image. I'm enjoying the inclusion of haiku with your work. Your previous post, Water receiving sky is beautiful.

Patrice said...

Very nice work!

I'm fascinated at your breadth of subject matter recently! I thought I was one of few who "jumped" from one theme to another.

Owen said...

Your last few posts here are stunning in every sense... wish I could see them in the canvas, as it were...

jeff said...

And me, I want to dance with you..! No, I'm a sucker ! ! !
Your work ! It's good ! I like the blue !
I watch little to see if you work !
See you later ! Thankx !

Aleks said...

You blue my mind girl,this is sooo good,and I would love to touch the structure in it,as it's alive and calling us for a walk,brilliant.

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