Here is the small watercolor that I did this fall and has been haunting me ever since. I have a sense of what is being communicated but can only guess how to articulate it:
A large vacuous & distracting figure protects or shields the shy but definitely more interesting inner figure. Both figures feel very intimate to me and my art process.
It seems as if larger figure has summoned the smaller one. Moon of course is classic symbol of unconscious. Interesting that outer summoner is large and bright, the summoned figure darker and the focal point.
No sharp edges, circular. Sexuality yes, like looking directly into vagina ... the summoned figure is vagina and dark.
Sexuality clearly physical phenomena and forces ego out into male world.
Both figures not vulnerable. Power inherent in both. The larger figure it is the arms, smaller figure it is black hair (interesting enough for me).
Wonderful piece.
moonlight shades of self
coat of arms embraces power
within locks of hair
cascading down her back,
untold stories unfold to stars
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