Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cloud Spill

colors letting go / misty morning spills onto trees / the lake cradling clouds

haiku by alotus-poetry


Roy said...

You've had quite an outpouring lately! Do you think you can interest a gallery in a show with all this? It's certainly worth one.

M said...

Another great title! Am I the only one who has to struggle with titles? I love the colour in this work. You seem to create the energy of the landscape without effort.

Anonymous said...

Great work Holly !

Holly Friesen said...

Roy, would love to exhibit the works with poetry/haiku, difficult for me to work with commercial galleries, sometimes art & business just aren't the same thing :) Am more interested in creating a poetry walk thru a forest with the poems and ptgs posted on trees! now just need to figure out how to make a living at the same time!

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